The word petroleum is a noun. Petroleum means (1) a dark oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word petroleum.
- Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Browse this liquefied petroleum gas manufacturer directory for information about liquefied petroleum gas manufacturers and distributors in the United States. The photo on this page shows a liquefied petroleum gas tank.
- Petroleum Oils
Browse this petroleum oils retailer directory to locate petroleum oil retailers in the USA. The photograph on this page depicts motor oil being poured from a container.
- BP (British Petroleum)
This is the website for the British Petroleum company, one of the largest energy companies in the world with roots in the early twentieth century. BP has a number of gasoline products, owns gas stations, and produces a number of other automotive products. The website provides a history of the company and description of all its products and services.
The following articles provide recent petroleum-related news.
The following pages provide more extensive petroleum news.
- Petroleum News
Recent news stories about the topic petroleum, aggregated from diverse, English-language news sources.
Regional Directory News.
- Petroleum Tweets
Recent English-language tweets that include the hashtag petroleum.
The following digital image illustrates the word petroleum.
Petroleum Production Rig
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