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The word umbrella is a noun.  Umbrella means (1) having the function of uniting a group of similar things, (2) a formation of military planes maintained over ground operations or targets, (3) a lightweight handheld collapsible canopyUmbrella is also an adjective that means (1) covering or applying simultaneously to a number of similar items or elements or groups.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word umbrella.
  • Baby Stroller Guide
    A stroller is a must-have for anyone with a baby or toddler. Learn about different types of strollers including jogging strollers and lightweight strollers.
  • Business Insurance Directory
    Check out this business insurance provider directory for information about business insurance services in the United States of America. The photo on this page shows a man, standing on a rock and holding an umbrella.
  • Baby Strollers
    Baby strollers make transportation of infants or toddlers easier and safer, and are a necessity for today's modern parent. There are so many styles available, including umbrella, jogging, and tandem strollers.
The following articles provide recent umbrella-related news.
The following digital image illustrates the word umbrella.
Rain Falling on a Blue Umbrella Rain Falling on a Blue Umbrella
Rain Falling on a Blue Umbrella

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