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The word world is a noun.  World means (1) the concerns of the world as distinguished from heaven and the afterlife, (2) all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you, (3) all of the inhabitants of the earth, (4) people in general; especially a distinctive group of people with some shared interest, (5) people in general considered as a whole, (6) the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet on which we live, (7) everything that exists anywhere, (8) a part of the earth that can be considered separately.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word world.
  • World Maps
    World maps give us some perspective on the relative size of continents and countries. Find helpful political and relief maps of the world along with interesting facts about all seven continents.
  • The World Bank
    The World Bank, which began in 1944, is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. On the website, users can learn about the organization of the World Bank, Country Issues, Topical Issues, and Doing Business with the World Bank. There is also information about the data and research it conducts and gathers, and its publications.
  • World Atlas
    A world atlas contains information about the world in a variety of map formats. It features latitude and longitude information as well as detailed information about geographic landmarks and infrastructure.
  • World War Two
    This site features information about the worldwide military conflict of World War II, which involved 61 countries and lasted from 1939-1945. Links to additional World War II resources are also provided.
  • Packaging World
    Packaging World is published by Summit Media Group, a privately owned, B2B publisher of information for professionals who are involved in packaging and manufacturing automation. Founded in 1994, Packaging World is read by professionals who use, recommend, and purchase packaging equipment and materials. Produced monthly as a print magazine, Packaging World is also available as a digital edition and on mobile devices.
  • World War One
    This site features information about World War I, which lasted from 1914 to 1918, and involved most of the world's superpowers.
  • The World
    The World is a co-production of the BBC, PRI (Public Radio International), and WGBH Boston. On the website, users can find the radio channel numbers where The World broadcasts can be heard, listed by State. Users can also listen to broadcasts online. There are also links to other programs such as Health, Games, Latest Editions, Technology, Podcasts, Books, and more.
  • World Economic Forum
    The World Economic Forum, founded in 1971 in Geneva, Switzerland, is impartial and nonprofit and is committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas. The website contains description of its initiatives, some of which include disease prevention and water treatment efforts.
  • Tulsa World
    Tulsa World is a daily newspaper for Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is circulated mainly in the northeastern and eastern parts of Oklahoma and online. Tulsa World shares some content with The Oklahoman.
  • World Currencies
    This website gives a brief detail about world currencies and exchange rates. Information about the European Central Bank and other related topics is included.
  • World War II - European Theatre
    Learn about the European battles of World War II on this helpful website, which also includes photographs and historical information about many important battles.
  • IUCN - The World Conservation Union
    The IUCN, located in Geneva, is a multicultural, multilingual organization with staff in 40 countries. Its mission is to influence, encourage and assist societies to preserve the natural world and achieve sustainability. The IUCN monitors endangered species, conducts and supports research, disseminates knowledge through its bookstore, and is an official observer at the UN General Assembly.
  • Physics World
    Physicsworld.com is the online version of the journal Physics World, a publication of the Institute of Physics. Users can read news stories, search for articles by subject area, find out about events, search for jobs, subscribe to the print version, and join the IOP. There is also a buyer's guide to companies and products.
  • US News & World Report
    US News & World Report was founded in 1948 by the merger of two weeklies. The website provides up-to-date news, national and international, health, money & business, education, opinion, photos & videos, plus blogs and rankings. Users can also subscribe online.
  • WebMaster World
    This site is a service to the web site administrator community. The site acts as a forum for members to share and gain knowledge in operating and promoting a website. Users must register, but this is a free site. On the site is information about latest developments in the Internet world, web hosting issues and options, PC and Unix software usage, HTML and browsers, website analytics, and much more.
  • World Almanac For Kids
    Published annually since 1996 and with more than 3 million copies sold to date, The World Almanac for Kids provides kids with the information they crave on thousands of subjects.
  • World View
    The Architectural League of New York presents architecture and urban planning examples from around the globe. Includes illustrated reports on five diverse international cities.
  • CIA World Factbook
    Features a broad range of geographic, historic, and political information about each nation of the world.
  • Animation World Network
    This animation news and information resource features a magazine with searchable archives as well as a web animation guide, discussion forums, and comprehensive animation links.
  • Education World
    Founded in 1996 to make the Internet more user friendly for educators. The website includes: a search engine for educational sites only, original content such as lesson plans written by educators, site reviews, daily features and columns, teacher and principal profiles, chats, and employment listings. All services are free.
  • W3: World Wide Web Consortium
    W3C is a worldwide international consortium where members work toward establishing web standards. Since 1994 the Consortium has published more than 90 standards called W3C Recommendations. The website describes the consortium, has links to the Recommendations and information about becoming a member.
  • WHO: World Health Organization
    WHO is the directing and coordinating authority within the United Nations. Its mandated goal is the attainment by all peoples of the highest degree of health. The website has links to the history of WHO, its accomplishments, its programs, and its governance.
  • World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
    WMO is a specialized agency of the United Nations, established in 1950. It is the UN's authoritative voice on the state and behavior of the earth's atmosphere, its interactions with the oceans, the climate it produces, and the resulting distribution of water resources. On the website, users can find weather forecasts and warnings, weather news, information about climate, and more.
The following articles provide recent world-related news.
  • Watch: Ski Sunday
    Ed Leigh and Chemmy Alcott are in Saalbach for the Alpine World Ski Championships.
    BBC News.  Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 18:01:15 GMT.
  • Ex-White Sox All-Star Jenks has stomach cancer
    Bobby Jenks, a two-time All-Star closer and World Series champion with the White Sox, is being treated for stomach cancer.
    ESPN.  Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 12:17:28 EST.
  • Marvin Kalb on how a Trump-Putin summit could lead to disaster
    The veteran CBS and NBC journalist discusses why he believes an agreement between Trump and Putin that betrays Ukraine could send a chilling message to the rest of the world about America's position as a trusted global leader.
    CBS News.  Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 10:24:15 -0500.
The following digital image illustrates the word world.
3D World Map 3D World Map
3D World Map with Highlighted Blue Landmasses

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